Oyster Wars

Oyster Wars

The Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, has a rich history filled with natural beauty and conflict. One such conflict was the Chesapeake Bay Oyster Wars, a destructive struggle for control over the region’s oyster beds that took place in the late...


As spring comes to the Rappahannock river community, you’re probably hearing a lot about a fish called the shad. You may also be wondering, what is a shad? How do you catch one? Can I eat it?   Here are a few facts about the shad you may not have known.  ...
A Legacy of River Protection and Restoration in the Rappahannock

A Legacy of River Protection and Restoration in the Rappahannock

Article by UMW Professor Jason Sellers for America’s Most Endangered River series The Rappahannock River has long been a focal point for Virginia’s human communities, and its health remains vital for Virginians today. Although often confident in the resilience...

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