Festival del Rio Rappahannock (June 2 @ Old Mill Park) is celebration of our river, conservation and river safety! Attendees will chat with local organizations, fishing demos, kayaking, river safety demos and food. This event will be highlighting river safety through life jacket giveaways, river safety signage, demos on how to paddle, and educating on the importance of life jackets in both English and Spanish.
And we need your help in making that happen!
This event hosts 100+ attendees and volunteers, will be advertised to 14k+ social media followers, an 8k+ email list and two organization websites!
Sponsorships can be purchased below or with a check
Checks can be made out to Friends of the Rappahannock and mail it to 3219 Fall Hill Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401.
(Please add a note or put in the memo like Festival del Rio)
Questions? Email FOR Development Director, Cat Carter, at [email protected]
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