FXBG – Week 7- Elementary Rising 3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders


SKU: FXBG-CAMP-2024-WK7 Categories: , Tags: ,


July 21st – 25th

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders 

Campers are introduced to a variety of activities including kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, and tubing. We are on the river everyday, recreating while becoming stewards to our beautiful Rappahannock River. If your camper likes to get wet and have fun while learning about our natural world, our camps are designed for them. We are on the water all morning and engage in fun science and nature-related activities in the afternoon. To ensure safety on and off the river, all of our camps have 12 or less campers each week.

This is a full day camp running from 9:00am – 3:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Pick up and drop off are at headquarters, 3219 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg, VA. 22401

REMINDER: Due to limited space, each camper may only sign up for one week of camp.


Additional information


Camp Registration for Current FOR Members $280, Camp Registration for Non FOR Members $330

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