Are you a home, business, or other landowner living in the Fredericksburg region? Would you like to have more trees on your property?
My name is Ryan Murray and if your answer to both of those questions was “yes!” then you might be interested in my project. I am a student at Stafford High School and a Boy Scout in Troop 199. For my Eagle Project, I will partner with the Friends of the Rappahannock to plant 1 acre (300) urban trees in the Fredericksburg region which includes the City of Fredericksburg, Caroline, King George, Stafford and Spotsylvania counties.
Urban trees are trees that are found almost anywhere except on farmland and wilderness. They have a huge impact on the ecosystem in our area, preventing erosion, reducing runoff, providing shade, and cleaning the air.
For my project, my fellow scouts and I will give away trees in any quantity.
The species selection varies week to week. Here are some species of trees that may be available: Red Maple, River Birch, Paw Paw, Persimmon, Black Gum, White Oak, Red Oak, Dogwood- Pink, Dogwood- White, Red Bud, American Holly Magnolia (sweet bay), Serviceberry, Fringe Tree, Tulip Poplar, Sycamore, Willow Oak, Hackberry, and American Hornbeam.
Sign up here or contact me at [email protected] for more information!
-Ryan Murray