It's Our Big FORty!

To celebrate 40 years of safeguarding the Rappahannock River, we’re launching a $1.1 million capital campaign—building on the last 40 years of considerable achievements and investments! 

Wild & Scenic Film Festival is BACK!

FOR along with host Mary Washington University will be presenting the 13th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival! EARLY BIRD tickets are available until Jan 24th so get them TODAY!

FOR's 2024 Impact Stories

Every year our staff looks back on the past 12 months of programs, projects, and advocacy issues and shares some of the successes, and best moments from the year.

A Call to Fund Environmental Literacy in VA

Friends of the Rappahannock’s Executive Director Daria Christian was recently correspondent of the week in the Richmond Times-Dispatch for her notes on Environmental Literacy Investments in the commonwealth. 

Advocacy Issue: 22401 Technology Overlay District

The City of Fredericksburg presented plans to create a 250-acre Technology Overlay District in Celebrate Virginia South. This District will be created to expedite the development of a data center campus that will parallel the Rappahannock River and its adjacent buffer. 


To be the voice and active force for a healthy and scenic Rappahannock River.

Our Vision

A Rappahannock River… that is clean and safe for fish consumption and recreation from its Headwaters to its confluence with the Chesapeake.
A Rappahannock River… that supports a healthy and diverse aquatic ecosystem, with submerged grasses, oysters, crabs and other species returned to their historic levels and productivity.
A Rappahannock River Watershed… where land use and runoff is managed to protect and enhance our riparian habitats, downstream waters, scenic viewsheds and historical resources.
A Rappahannock River Community… where the citizens and local governments are educated about river stewardship, where they take a sense of personal stewardship over the river resource, and where they take action in their own backyards and communities to protect it.


Data Center Issues Along the Rappahannock

Data Center Issues Along the Rappahannock

Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR) acknowledges that data centers are integral to modern life, supporting essential digital infrastructure. We all benefit from the services provided that are supported by data centers. We recognize the need for these facilities. But...

Bringing Students to the River

Bringing Students to the River

Imagine the sound of the water trickling over the rocks as you paddle through a ripple.  The smell of the morning air as the mist evaporates off of the river’s surface.  The Eagles perched on the tall branches overhead swooping down to catch their breakfast and the...

A Journey to Revitalize Historic Germanna Ford Boat Launch

A Journey to Revitalize Historic Germanna Ford Boat Launch

Nestled along the banks of the Rapidan River, the Germanna Ford Boat Launch stands as a testament to a decade of dedication, collaboration, and preservation. This newly inaugurated launch site not only provides a gateway to the serene waters of the Rapidan but also...

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Our Riverwatch map provides geographic data on the Rappahannock and helps you understand how FOR is helping keep our river healthy.

Impaired Rappahannock River Waterways

Learn more about how your local waterways are doing in pollutant reduction.

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