Friends of the Rappahannock was founded in 1985 as a group of citizens cleaning up trash along the river in Fredericksburg. Since then, we’ve grown to an organization of over 2,000 members and eight full time staff operating across sixteen counties, but we remain true to our litter-pickin’ roots.
This past weekend, FOR was joined by the men and women of Rappahannock Rugby and other volunteers for a challenging on-water cleanup on the Rapp. Our hardworking crew pulled 15 tires, a pallet, a trash can, and a bunch of other litter from a remote stretch of river upstream of Motts Run, totaling over 1,000 pounds of trash. It’s sad that so much trash made its way to our river, but also encouraging that we had such an enthusiastic volunteer crew step up to the plate. Thanks to Rapp Rugby for helping us keep our river clean!
We are currently recruiting volunteers for several cleanups during the coming weeks and months. During the next three weekends, we’ll be working at three different tributaries around the Fredericksburg area. We are currently seeking volunteers for the following dates:
- Sunday July 22 (CANCELLED due to high water)
- Saturday July 28 (Falls Run/England Run) – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
- Saturday August 4 (Deep Run) – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
Rappahannock Rugby and other volunteers on their cleanup. Boats donated by Virginia Outdoor Center.
If you’d like to join a cleanup, please contact Mick Torrey at [email protected]. Cleanups generally take place between 9am and noon. FOR provides all materials including snacks and drinks.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that Big Fall Cleanup 2018 will be held on October 7. Stay tuned for sponsorship and group volunteering opportunities for this event!
Adam Lynch
Restoration Coordinator