Verdun Scavenger Hunt

Friends of the Rappahannock

We are a watershed stewardship organization, formed in 1985, whose mission is to be the voice and active force for a healthy and scenic Rappahannock River.

We work with partners from the mountains to the bay to address pollution of all forms – including stormwater runoff from urban, suburban, and agricultural areas.

Here, in the Piedmont, the largest sources of pollution to nearby streams and rivers are agriculture and urban development. To improve water quality in this region, communities must reduce nonpoint pollution sources, restore natural clean water infrastructure, and protect open spaces from encroaching development. Education, public access, and on-the-ground volunteer service projects are a great way to build a culture that promotes a healthy and scenic river.


Five Ways You Can  Help Your Local Stream

cow iconGreen your farm.

Agriculture is the largest contributor to water pollution in the Upper Rappahannock River. Contact Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District to learn how you can improve your farm’s clean water footprint.


toilet iconMaintain your septic system.

Unsafe bacteria levels were found in portions of all 12 streams within the Upper Rappahannock watershed that were assessed. Malfunctioning septic systems can leach bacteria into streams.


trash iconOrganize a river clean up.

No group or volunteer is too small. We will provide the supplies, help you get set up, and haul away the trash afterward.


tree iconPlant trees on your property.

Forests absorb polluted runoff, reduce erosion, create wildlife habitat, and improve soil health. For best results, plant trees next to a stream or pond.


pencil iconWrite your school board.

Remind them that we need watershed education in all our public schools. Every child deserves to experience nature.



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