Reel'n for the Rapp

June 12- 26

Join us for our first ever Watershed-wide Fishing Tournament!

From June 12- June 26, you have the chance to fish across the Rappahannock River to win some amazing prizes and experiences.

Participants of any age can fish anywhere within the streams and tributaries of the Rappahannock including the Rappahannock River itself. The Youth category will also be allowed to fish at specific bodies of water in addition to the Rappahannock and it’s tributaries. Registration for the tournament will open on the iAngler website June 1st and stay open throughout the tournament.

Prizes will be determined by length of fish and time of catch during the tournament. Prizes for the tournament winners will include gear from a few of our favorite outdoor shops, local experiences, discounts and free tastings, and much more!

Congratulations to our Prize Winners!

Adult Prize Winners

Tier One
Largest Catfish:
Joseph Goins
Largest Smallmouth Bass: Garrett Backe
Largest Largemouth Bass: N/A
Largest Brook Trout: N/A
Largest Redfish: N/A
Largest Speckled Trout: N/A

Tier Two
Largest Croaker: N/A
Largest Brown Trout: N/A
Largest Red Eyed Rock Bass: N/A
Largest Rainbow Trout: N/A
Largest Sunfish (any kind): N/A
Largest Yellow Perch: N/A
Largest White Perch: Kendra Pednault
Largest Crappie: N/A

Most Catches: Garrett Backe

Every Species of Fish: N/A

Trout Slam: total inches for brook, rainbow, brown
Bass Slam: total inches for largemouth, smallmouth, rock bass
Saltwater Slam: total inches redfish, speckled trout, croaker

Youth Prize Winners (15 and younger)

Largest Catfish: Wyatt Thompson
Largest Smallmouth Bass: Joseph Greene
Largest Largemouth Bass: N/A
Largest Brook Trout: N/A
Largest Redfish: Wyatt Thompson
Largest Speckled Trout: Wyatt Thompson
Largest Croaker: Johnny Ellis
Largest Brown Trout: N/A
Largest Red Eyed Rock Bass: N/A
Largest Rainbow Trout: N/A
Largest Sunfish (any kind): Luca Christian
Largest Yellow Perch: N/A
Largest White Perch: Wyatt Thompson
Largest Crappie: N/A

Most Catches: Wyatt Thompson

Every Species of Fish: N/A

1st Catch of the Tournament: Silas Christian

River Safety Award: Maria Santulli

Trout Slam: (total inches for brook, rainbow, brown)
Bass Slam: (total inches for largemouth, smallmouth, rock bass) N/A
Saltwater Slam: (total inches redfish, speckled trout, croaker) Wyatt Thompson


Do you want the 2021 Reel’n for the Rapp t-shirt? 

Our fishing tournament t-shirt was designed by a local youth specifically for this year’s tournament! 

14 in stock




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