Riverfest Auction is LIVE!!

The Riverfest Silent Auction is OPEN for bidding! Wether you are coming to Riverfest or not, you can bid and win your favorite package. It’s a treat for you AND our river!!

Riverfest Tickets Are Available!

Riverfest Individual Tickets are available! Get yours today for a great crab feast and an even better cause.

Riparian Buffers for Landowners (RFFL)

The Department of Forestry (DOF) Riparian Forests for Landowners (RFFL) program provides flexible, no-cost riparian forest buffer installation and one year of maintenance to landowners. The program is being implemented by DOF and partner organizations in a unique watershed-based partnership. See if you qualify!


To be the voice and active force for a healthy and scenic Rappahannock River.

Our Vision

A Rappahannock River… that is clean and safe for fish consumption and recreation from its Headwaters to its confluence with the Chesapeake.
A Rappahannock River… that supports a healthy and diverse aquatic ecosystem, with submerged grasses, oysters, crabs and other species returned to their historic levels and productivity.
A Rappahannock River Watershed… where land use and runoff is managed to protect and enhance our riparian habitats, downstream waters, scenic viewsheds and historical resources.
A Rappahannock River Community… where the citizens and local governments are educated about river stewardship, where they take a sense of personal stewardship over the river resource, and where they take action in their own backyards and communities to protect it.


General Assembly 2024

Join us as a strong voice for the Rappahannock River at the state level. The 2024 General Assembly session starts January 10th. While we will be supporting and opposing many issues we are prioritizing the following  issues and will regularly update this page. We will...

You Heard That Right… Spat on Shell

You Heard That Right… Spat on Shell

Have you ever held 2 million babies in the palm of your hand? 2 million OYSTER babies, that is. That’s exactly what happened this past summer as we were trying our hand at an oyster spat-on-shell operation with the Tides Inn for the first time. But what is...

Make a Wetland in a Bottle

Make a Wetland in a Bottle

Wetlands are areas of land flooded by water at some point during the year, either permanently or seasonally. These ecosystems offer many benefits including pollution filtration, flood reduction and wildlife habitat creation. Create your own wetland in a bottle and...


Our Riverwatch map provides geographic data on the Rappahannock and helps you understand how FOR is helping keep our river healthy.

Impaired Rappahannock River Waterways

Learn more about how your local waterways are doing in pollutant reduction.

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