Longtime FOR Education Coordinator Lowery Becker is moving to a new job with the Northern Neck Soil and Water Conservation District.
The tides are shifting again. (They always do!) Although this tide is taking our Education Coordinator, it is bringing us another great partner on the Northern Neck! Lowery Becker has taken a position with the Northern Neck Soil and Water Conservation District (NNSWCD). In her new position she will have many responsibilities, and I am proud to say I think her time at Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR) has prepared her for those duties.
If you have followed FOR for any amount of time you probably know about some of Lowery’s accomplishments – A River Runs through Us – the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience in our tidal region; our ever-growing summer camp program; the North American Association for Environmental Education 30 Under 30 award; youth at-risk education and recreation programs with many local partners; the list goes on and on. Lowery has certainly left her mark at FOR, but I am so thankful that our staff has the depth and skills to continue the legacy of great education programs FOR is known for.
On a personal level, Lowery has been my side for what seems like forever. I will miss chatting with her day-to-day and hearing about her family and dogs and remodel projects. I will miss planning sessions while walking or running along the river. I will miss all the silly antics of our banter. But, I know this isn’t goodbye, it is just a change in logo.
We are proud of you, Lowery! I know your influence at NNKSWCD will have a positive impact on the community and the river. All good things to you on your journey!
By Daria Christian, FOR Assistant Director and Education Director