Living Shoreline Project Bids 2019

The Tidal Rappahannock River is under constant fluctuation, erosion, and accretion due to wave energy, tidal influences, stormwater runoff, and extreme weather events. All of these influences contribute to shoreline loss which deposits thousands of tons of sediment into the River and Chesapeake Bay each year. Shoreline stabilization is an important strategy to protecting waterfront properties and reducing erosion. 

Living shorelines are the preferred shoreline stabilization method in the Commonwealth of Virginia and are a great way for landowners to apply natural principles and combat erosion, sedimentation, and invasive species along the tidal Rappahannock. A living shoreline is a shoreline stabilization best management practice designed to mimic a natural shoreline, using plants, oyster reefs and other natural materials to stabilize and reduce erosion. Friends of the Rappahannock works with landowners, regulators, contractors, funders, and a variety of other partners to promote and install living shorelines in the Rappahannock River watershed.

We are currently soliciting bid proposals for two projects in the Northern Neck.


All permits and time of year exemptions are completed and available upon request.

For questions related to these projects please contact FOR Programs Manager, Bryan Hofmann: [email protected].

These projects made possible by generous grants from the Northern Neck Planning District Commission and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund.

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