We will be celebrating at our Fredericksburg office along the river with food, drinks and amazing staff poster presentations. We will also be giving out awards to community members and partners, voting on new board members and proposed bylaw changes.
We will also have renowned sea birding expert, Kate Sutherland, as our annual meeting Guest Speaker.
Kate moved to Hatteras, NC from Warrenton, VA in 2001 to work for Seabirding, a company that runs pelagic birding tours in the Gulf Stream and has the enigmatic Black-capped Petrel as their signature species! She is currently working on her master’s in marine biology at University of North Carolina Wilmington investigating the foraging ecology of Black-capped Petrels utilizing stable isotope analysis of museum specimens. She lives and works in Hatteras with Seabirding and is also employed by Duke Marine Lab as a research assistant. READ MORE ABOUT KATE AND HER SPEAKING TOPIC HERE
Please RSVP below if you plan to attend in person.
If interested in volunteering for the event (guide parking and supporting set up/clean up) email Lis Heras at [email protected]
If you are a member and would like to vote on the proposed bylaw changes and slate of board officers and new board members, CLICK HERE. Not a member and interested in becoming one? Join our river family today HERE!
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